Mastering Spire.Doc for Java: How to Specify Default Font when Converting HTML to PDF (Korean Included)
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Mastering Spire.Doc for Java: How to Specify Default Font when Converting HTML to PDF (Korean Included)

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Are you tired of dealing with font inconsistencies when converting HTML to PDF using Spire.Doc for Java? Do you struggle with broken Korean characters? Fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Spire.Doc and explore the easiest way to specify a default font, ensuring your PDFs look professional and error-free, even when dealing with Korean text.

Understanding the Problem: Broken Korean Fonts

Korean characters can be notoriously tricky to work with, especially when converting HTML to PDF. The culprit? Font differences between the source HTML and the target PDF. When Spire.Doc for Java doesn’t recognize the default font, it can lead to broken Korean characters, rendering your PDFs unusable.

The Importance of Specifying a Default Font

Specifying a default font is crucial for maintaining consistency throughout your PDF documents. Without it, you risk:

  • Inconsistent font styles and sizes
  • Broken or missing characters, especially in non-English languages like Korean
  • Poorly formatted PDFs that detract from the overall user experience

Step-by-Step Guide to Specifying a Default Font

Now that we’ve covered the importance of default fonts, let’s dive into the solution! Follow these simple steps to ensure your PDFs look perfect, even with Korean characters:

Step 1: Add the Spire.Doc for Java Library

First, ensure you have the Spire.Doc for Java library installed in your project. If not, add it to your Maven dependencies:

    <version>[Latest Version]</version>

Step 2: Create a Document Object

Create a new instance of the Document class, which represents your PDF document:

import com.spire.doc.Document;

// Create a new document object
Document document = new Document();

Step 3: Set the Default Font

Now, specify the default font for your document using the Document.getDefaultFont() method. In this example, we’ll use the “Arial Unicode MS” font, which supports Korean characters:

// Set the default font to Arial Unicode MS
document.getDefaultFont().setName("Arial Unicode MS");

Step 4: Convert HTML to PDF

Next, use the Document.fromHTML() method to convert your HTML content to a PDF document:

// Convert HTML content to a PDF document
String htmlContent = "<html><body><p>Hello, World! (, )</p></body></html>";

Step 5: Save the PDF Document

Finally, save the PDF document to a file using the Document.saveToFile() method:

// Save the PDF document to a file
document.saveToFile("output.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);

Putting it All Together

Here’s the complete code snippet that demonstrates how to specify a default font when converting HTML to PDF using Spire.Doc for Java:

import com.spire.doc.Document;
import com.spire.doc.FileFormat;

public class SpecifyDefaultFont {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a new document object
        Document document = new Document();

        // Set the default font to Arial Unicode MS
        document.getDefaultFont().setName("Arial Unicode MS");

        // Convert HTML content to a PDF document
        String htmlContent = "<html><body><p>Hello, World! (, )</p></body></html>";

        // Save the PDF document to a file
        document.saveToFile("output.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);

Troubleshooting Tips

Encountering issues with broken Korean characters or inconsistent font styles? Try these troubleshooting tips:

Issue Solution
Broken Korean characters Ensure the default font supports Korean characters, such as Arial Unicode MS or Batang.
Inconsistent font styles Verify that the default font is set correctly and consistently applied throughout the document.
Font not loading correctly Check the font file is present in the system and the font name is correct.


By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve mastered the art of specifying a default font when converting HTML to PDF using Spire.Doc for Java, ensuring your PDFs look professional and error-free, even with Korean characters. Remember, a well-formatted PDF is just a few lines of code away!

Still stuck? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Spire.Doc community or explore their extensive documentation for further assistance.

Happy coding, and may your PDFs be forever font-tastic!

Here is the Q&A about specifying default font when converting HTML to PDF using Spire.doc for Java library (Korean is broken):

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while trying to set the default font when converting HTML to PDF using Spire.doc for Java library? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why does my PDF output display broken Korean characters when converting HTML using Spire.doc for Java?

This might happen because the default font used by Spire.doc doesn’t support Korean characters. To fix this, you’ll need to specify a font that supports Korean characters, such as “Malgun Gothic” or “Batang”. You can do this by setting the `FontName` property of the `Document` object before converting the HTML to PDF.

How do I specify a default font for my entire PDF document when converting HTML to PDF?

You can set the default font for your entire PDF document by using the `SetFont` method of the `Document` object. For example, you can use `doc.setFont(new Font(“Arial”, 11, false, false, false));` to set the default font to Arial, size 11. This will apply to all text elements in your PDF document.

Can I specify a default font for a specific section of my HTML content when converting to PDF?

Yes, you can specify a default font for a specific section of your HTML content by using the `setFont` method of the `Paragraph` object. For example, you can use `paragraph.setFont(new Font(“Calibri”, 10, false, false, false));` to set the font of a specific paragraph to Calibri, size 10. This will only apply to that specific paragraph.

What if I want to use a font that’s not installed on the system, can I still use it as a default font?

Yes, you can still use a font that’s not installed on the system by embedding the font file into your Java application. You can use the `Font.EmbedSystem Fonts` property to embed the font file, and then use the `SetFont` method to set the default font. This way, the font will be included in the PDF output even if it’s not installed on the system.

Are there any performance considerations when specifying a default font for converting HTML to PDF?

Yes, specifying a default font can affect the performance of the conversion process, especially if you’re dealing with large HTML documents or complex font styles. To optimize performance, consider using a font that’s optimized for digital publishing, and avoid using too many font styles or sizes. Additionally, you can use the ` FontSubstitution` feature of Spire.doc to specify a fallback font in case the default font is not available.

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