React MUI 5: Overcoming the Struggle of Overwriting Default Styles with Custom-Defined Styles
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React MUI 5: Overcoming the Struggle of Overwriting Default Styles with Custom-Defined Styles

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re frustrated with React MUI 5’s default styles overriding your custom-defined styles. You’re not alone! Many developers have been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. But fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to tame the beast that is React MUI 5’s styling system.

The Problem: Why Default Styles Take Priority

React MUI 5’s default styles are, well, default for a reason. They’re carefully crafted to provide a solid foundation for your application’s UI. However, when you want to add your own custom styles, things can get messy. The default styles seem to take priority, and your custom styles get ignored or overridden. This is because of how React MUI 5’s styling system works.

By default, React MUI 5 uses a concept called “class name prioritization.” This means that the CSS classes generated by MUI take precedence over your custom classes. It’s like trying to shout over a loudspeaker – your voice gets drowned out by the default noise.

Theories and Hacks: What Doesn’t Work

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s cover some common theories and hacks that might not work as expected:

  • !important trick: Adding !important to your custom styles might work in some cases, but it’s not a reliable solution. It can lead to specificity issues and make your CSS hard to maintain.
  • inline styles: Using inline styles might seem like a quick fix, but it’s not scalable and can make your code look like a mess.
  • Custom theme override: Overriding the entire theme might be too drastic, especially if you only want to change specific styles.

The Solutions: Taking Control of Your Styles

Now that we’ve covered what doesn’t work, let’s explore the solutions that will help you tame the beast:

1. Use the sx Prop

The sx prop is a powerful tool in React MUI 5. It allows you to pass a custom styles object to a component, which takes priority over the default styles.

// CustomButton.js
import { Button } from '@mui/material';

const CustomButton = () => {
return (


In this example, the sx prop overrides the default styles for the Button component.

2. Create a Custom Theme

Creating a custom theme allows you to override specific styles or entire components. You can create a custom theme by extending the default theme or creating a new one from scratch.

// theme.js
import { createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';

const customTheme = createTheme({
components: {
MuiButton: {
styleOverrides: {
root: {
backgroundColor: 'primary.main',
color: 'white',
'&:hover': {
backgroundColor: 'primary.dark'

export default customTheme;

In this example, we’re creating a custom theme that overrides the default styles for the Button component.

3. Use a Custom CSS File

Creating a custom CSS file allows you to write CSS classes that take priority over the default styles. You can import these classes into your React components using the className prop.

/* custom.css */
.custom-button {
  background-color: #333;
  color: #fff;

.custom-button:hover {
  background-color: #444;

// CustomButton.js
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from '@mui/material';
import './custom.css';

const CustomButton = () => {
return (


In this example, we’re creating a custom CSS file and importing it into our React component. The className prop applies the custom CSS classes to the Button component.

Best Practices for Overwriting Default Styles

Now that we’ve covered the solutions, here are some best practices to keep in mind when overwriting default styles:

  1. Use the sx prop wisely: Only use the sx prop when you need to override specific styles for a single component. For more extensive styling, consider creating a custom theme or CSS file.
  2. Keep your custom theme organized: Organize your custom theme into separate files or objects to keep your code maintainable and scalable.
  3. Use a preprocessor like Sass or Less: Using a preprocessor can help you write more efficient and modular CSS code.
  4. Test and iterate: Always test your custom styles in different scenarios and iterate on your solutions until you achieve the desired result.


Overwriting default styles in React MUI 5 can be a challenge, but with the right techniques and best practices, you can take control of your application’s UI. Remember to use the sx prop, create a custom theme, or write a custom CSS file to achieve your desired styles. By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to taming the beast that is React MUI 5’s styling system.

Solution Description
sx Prop Pass a custom styles object to a component
Custom Theme Override specific styles or entire components
Custom CSS File Write CSS classes that take priority over default styles

Happy coding, and may the styling forces be with you!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “React MUI 5 unable to overwrite default styles with custom-defined styles”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to tame the beast that is React MUI 5 styling!

Why can’t I override the default styles in React MUI 5 with my custom styles?

This is a common issue in React MUI 5 due to the way the library handles styling. By default, MUI uses CSS-in-JS solutions like emotion or styled components, which can lead to conflicts with your custom styles. To resolve this, try using the `sx` prop or the `styled` function from `@mui/system` to apply your custom styles.

How do I use the `sx` prop to override default styles in React MUI 5?

The `sx` prop is a shorthand for “style extensions” and allows you to pass custom styles to a MUI component. To use it, simply add the `sx` prop to your component and pass an object with your custom styles. For example: ` `. This will override the default styles with your custom ones.

What’s the difference between using `sx` and `classes` props in React MUI 5?

The main difference between `sx` and `classes` props is how they handle styling. `sx` is used for inline styles, while `classes` is used for classnames. If you want to add custom styles to a specific element, use `sx`. If you want to apply a predefined class to an element, use `classes`. For example: ` `. This will apply the `custom-class` to the button’s root element.

Can I use global CSS to override default styles in React MUI 5?

While it’s technically possible to use global CSS to override default styles in MUI 5, it’s not recommended. MUI uses CSS-in-JS solutions, which can lead to conflicts with global CSS. Instead, use the `sx` prop or the `styled` function to apply custom styles in a more predictable and maintainable way.

How do I debug styling issues in React MUI 5?

Debugging styling issues in MUI 5 can be a challenge. One way to approach it is to use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the element and identify the styles being applied. You can also use the `console.log` function to output the styles being applied to an element. Additionally, you can use tools like the React DevTools or the MUI debugging tools to visualize the component tree and debug styling issues.

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